7 Questions to Ask Your Cardiologist

Sometimes, the smallest signs of a heart condition are ignored. Many people don’t realize the early warning signs and shrug off symptoms as they get older. However, knowing the early signs will allow you to seek a cardiologist before your small condition becomes a big health scare.The following are 7 signs of a heart condition.

1. Snoring

Did you know that people with sleep apnea face a 300% higher rate of having a heart attack? This is a stunning statistic. If you snore loudly or have trouble breathing when you sleep, you may have sleep apnea, which greatly increases your risk of a heart condition.

2. Rapid Heartbeat

It should come as no surprise that a rapid heartbeat can lead to a heart attack. Irregular heartbeats or rapid heartbeats are often seen before heart attacks. Don’t confuse these symptoms with an anxiety attack.

Many people will suffer from rapid heartbeats weeks or months prior to a heart attack.

3. Erectile Dysfunction

Not only applicable to men, ED is often an early sign that there is a problem with blood flow caused by a heart condition. Even women who can reach orgasm in a normal amount of time may be suffering from ED.

4. Persistent Coughs

Many people think that a cough is simply something they can ignore. After all, everyone gets a cold every now and again. However, persistent coughs and wheezing often predate heart failure.

What happens is that fluid starts to accumulate around the lungs, causing you to cough. If you have a cough that seemingly came out of nowhere and you’re not feeling quite right, get it checked out.

5. Puffy Legs or Feet

Notice that your legs or feet are swollen? This can happen in your feet, legs, ankles, fingers or even your wrists. If you banged your foot, this isn’t uncommon. However, when you’re swollen for no apparent reason, you want to get it checked out.

Press your thumb into your skin. Is there an indent left? If so, you’re retaining water. This can be a sign that you have coronary artery disease.

6. Aching Chest or Shoulders

Your heart has a very demanding job. Blood must flow to every inch of your body and is the only job of the heart. When you’re having angina, or chest pain, you’ll notice aches deep in your chest. Some people even experience these pains in their shoulder. A good indicator that you may be suffering from angina is if the aches and pains come quickly – and for no reason.

7. Shortness of Breath

There are days when people feel like they can’t catch their breath. We’ve all experienced this before, but the underlying problem may be more concerning than you thought. When you lose your breath after exercise or a stressful event, it may mean early-stage heart or lung disease.   It’s a wise choice to seek out medical attention if you simply can’t catch your breath.   Regular doctor visits and checkups will allow you to monitor your heart health and act quickly if you do have a heart condition. Being proactive will help you manage symptoms and avoid a high risk situation, such as suffering from a heart attack.

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